If you are reading this article then it’s likely that you are finding yourself in some kind of a dilemma. You do know and appreciate the importance of improving upon your current IT structures, but the issue you have now is whether or not to set up your own in-house IT support team or to contract out to an external service provider.
The first thing that you have to think about is the costs of setting up an in-house team and that could run into many thousands of dollars and maybe you just won’t get the right people at the end of it all anyway. The beauty about signing up with an external IT service provider is that their staff is incredibly qualified and they have many decades of experience behind them.
The other thing to consider is that when your in-house IT team goes home for the evening or on the weekends, your system is vulnerable to attacks and there is no one there to know what’s going on until everyone comes to work the following Monday morning and your IT system is not functional.
This is why it makes far more sense to engage with professional and competent IT services because then you know that everything is being taken care of and that removes all of the responsibility off your shoulders and onto theirs. If you still need further convincing about the benefits of using an external managed IT service provider then here are some of them.
- Reasons To Prove That External IT Services Are Better
- A More Streamlined Business
- Better Security
- Remote Working
Reasons To Prove That External IT Services Are Better
A More Streamlined Business
The beauty about signing up for IT services is that your service provider can deal with everything that you could possibly need with regard to information technology all in one place.
This means that they will take care of everything from your Internet security to your data storage and that is all done for a set fee every single month. In the unlikely event that you do experience some downtime, you will be able to contact someone immediately who will address the issue.
Better Security
Your external IT service provider will encourage you to start using cloud security and cloud applications because this will provide you with a virtual server and that means that your security needs are monitored round-the-clock.
If you still have an on-site server, then there is a distinct possibility that if it goes offline that you might lose all of your important business information. The situation will not occur when you’re using the cloud because all of your data is secure in a remote location.
Remote Working
It’s likely that you have staff out on the road and so they need to be able to gain access to the technology that everyone has back at the office. With the right IT service provider in place, your employees that are working remotely will be able to receive the exact same technology experience that others will.