Addiction Experts Warn a Crisis is Unfolding in the Wake of Recent Events

A crisis is unfolding behind closed doors and no one knows it’s there yet. The truth may be that we are at the brink of an unprecedented global conflict. This article will attempt to explain why this could happen and what you can do about it.

How Wars Affect Us in the New Era

Crisis is Unfolding in the Wake of Recent Events

The world has changed in recent years. It seems that every time something happens, we have never seen anything like it before. And each time, people think they know what is going on and how things will unfold. They don't. Each time, history repeats itself.

We have all heard the stories of the great wars from World War I and II, but few people realize just how close we were to another major war in Europe in the early 1980s. In 1981, with the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan, tensions rose between the two superpowers. For the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, both sides had nuclear weapons pointed directly at each other. At the same time, the Soviets invaded Poland and threatened Western Europe. It was clear to many observers that the Cold War would soon turn hot again.

And now, in 2022, Russia invaded the sovereign country of Ukraine. This time, however, there are no nuclear bombs at stake; instead, the stakes are financial and political. As the Russian economy continues to suffer under sanctions imposed by the U.S., European countries have begun to lose faith in their ability to keep Russia in check. Many believe the West needs to take action if it wants to avoid facing a similar situation in the not-too-distant future.

Wars are fought for many reasons. Some wars are started because of territorial disputes or religious differences. Others are caused by internal struggles within a nation. Still, others are triggered by the actions of outside powers. But regardless of the cause or motivation, wars always involve death and destruction.

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Fear Gives Birth to Addiction

Addiction experts say that when we feel afraid, our bodies release chemicals into our brains. These chemicals make us feel happy and relaxed; they calm us down. When we become addicted to these drugs, we begin to need them more and more. And this is when we start looking for external sources. Opiates are some of the more common anti-depressants, but other prescriptions such as benzodiazepines may be addictive too.

This is how most people end up using opiates such as heroin or prescription painkillers (often referred to as “opioids”). But some people develop an even stronger dependence on opioids than the average person does. They become dependent on the effects of the drug rather than the drug itself. These people often require larger doses of the substance and experience severe side effects.

"Addiction is a response to pain or trauma, and so major events that bring about significant disruption to social interactions and the economy will damage mental health, driving individuals to seek self-medicating practices to cope. Unfortunately for some individuals, what starts as a short-term solution to difficult, uncertain times, spirals into a cycle of dependence that is difficult to escape without proper support" says Providence Projects' Paul Spanjar.

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How We Can Help

There are ten easier ways to help each other during these testing moments. 

1. Finding help means we should first admit to having an issue. Be it immobilizing fear or just plain discomfort, talk about it to your loved ones and friends. Make it normal to share. This way whoever around you may need more serious help will feel welcome to open up.

2. The second way to help your community is by assisting charity hotlines and organizations. Make their work easier by participating. 

3. The third way to help is to volunteer. If you see something that needs doing, do it. It could be anything from cleaning graffiti off walls, picking up trash, helping out with fundraising campaigns or simply running errands. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to give back while also making new contacts and gaining skills.

4. The fourth way to help is to stay informed. Learn about current affairs. By staying informed, you can help yourself to understand why some things happened. You might even feel empowered to change things in your own life.

5. The fifth way to help is to build relationships. Whether it's through volunteering, sharing interests, or just spending quality time together, building strong connections has the power to lift spirits.

6. The sixth way to help is to invest in the future. While saving money now may seem like a great idea, it's important to remember that if you don't spend money wisely, you won't have any later. Investing in things that will add value to your life today means that there will be opportunities waiting for you tomorrow.

7. The seventh way to help is to create art. Art helps you to express feelings, emotions, and ideas. Through art, you can learn to identify what makes you tick and find solutions to problems. It also helps those around you take their mind off hardships. You might consider buying a laptop for artists

8. The eighth way to help is to provide emotional support. Many people find comfort in going outside themselves and offering others the chance to cry, laugh or talk. Providing this kind of support lets those who need it know they're not alone.

9. The ninth way to help is to educate. There is no better way to make sure everyone knows what's happening than to put it out there. Tell others what you are learning and encourage them to do the same. Share information with anyone who asks, whether it's at a party, in school, or anywhere else.

10. And finally, the tenth way to help is to show appreciation. Pay attention to the little things because they matter too. Express gratitude and don't be afraid to admit your own mistakes.


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