How To Properly Add Skills Into Resume - A Perfect Guide 😍🔥

No matter how hard you try and want to add this or that skill to the resume required from the candidate, you need to be ready to prove it in the job interview. You do not need to write the level of your skills, but it will add some accuracy for the employer when he considers your candidacy.

How To Properly Add Skills Into Resume

If you need professional help with your cv or a cover letter, there is a custom writing service called This resume writing service provides online resume writing services by certified, top UK, and cheap at cost writers who managed to write so many resumes that you would be pleasantly surprised with their competency and high-quality work.


  • Skill Levels To Define
      • Beginner
      • Intermediate
      • Expert
  • Link Skills With Work Experience 
  • Skill Levels To Define
  • How Should It Look on Resume
  • Important Things To Keep In Mind When Describing Your Skills
  • Summing Up

Skill Levels To Define


It means that you are already familiar with a certain skill, you understand the basics, but you don't have much experience with using it yet. There is nothing wrong with adding a “base” level next to a skill if you know it’s important to write it.


You know more than a beginner, you have experience, but there is still room to grow in order to become advanced.


You are an expert in a particular skill. You have enough experience to demonstrate it at any moment.

If you have a fairly long list of skills you want to write about, it makes sense to split them up and add a subheading to each group. This will make the list of skills look neater and nicer.

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Link Skills With Work Experience 

How to properly link skills with work experience? Now, we want to remind you that the list of skills on your resume must be relevant and fully correspond to the job for which you are applying. Now we will try to figure out how to successfully describe your skills in a resume.

Not every job description will contain many details about the position, but you can look up information about the vacancy online, search for information about what the company does, or you can directly contact the recruiter and clarify their requirements.

  • “Adapt sales methods according to clients”? 👉 Adaptability 
  • “Find solutions for clients with negative experiences service ”? 👉 Ability to resolve conflicts 
  • “Working as a team to achieve a common goal”? 👉 Teamwork
  • “Attract bloggers and opinion leaders to contests”? 👉 Communication skills

Be honest about your skills. Embellish, but don't lie. Think back to all your experiences. Surely you will have 1-2 skills that will go straight to the point for the desired job.

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How Should Skills Look on Resume

Here's an example of a well-thought-out skill section on a teacher's resume. We took the following skills as a basis:


  • Experience of communicating with children of different age groups (from 6 to 17), cultures, and abilities;
  • Ability to communicate with parents, professionalism with colleagues;
  • The ability to resolve conflict situations in the classroom.

Teaching skills

  • Extensive experience in creating assignments and exams;
  • The ability to create a supportive learning environment, provide material, and develop lesson plans; 
  • The ability to properly manage and manage time during classes;

Public Relations

  • I can use different social platforms to communicate with the public and organize events;
  • Public speaking skills;
  • Experience in searching, developing, and conducting various excursions and activities for children of different ages at school and outside its territory;

Technical Skills

  • Microsoft Office, Google (expert);
  • Adobe Photoshop, Indesign (intermediate).

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Important Things To Keep In Mind When Describing Your Skills

Number # 1

The resume should have a section with skills relevant to the new job. But where to place it in the document depends on the resume format you choose. If your skills are the key information to see first, then the skills section should come first after the contact information. 

Number # 2

Divide the skills into specialized (Hard) and universal (Soft). In order not to write everything in a row, but to logically divide information and highlight in the resume what really should be noticed.

Number # 3

Check your skill level. You can highlight your competence in certain areas by qualifying your skills as a beginner, intermediate, or expert. You can also use graphical indicators if you are not sure how to accurately describe your level.

Number # 4

Structure the section. It is very important to make your resume as clear and readable as possible. This is already a guarantee of a positive result. Structure not just one section, but all the components in your resume.

Number # 5

Make sure your resume contains the skills that are described in the job. The fact is that the employer writes them for a reason. He needs to find the right person for his company. If you ignore this, there is a high probability that your candidacy will not be considered.

Number # 6

Make sure the skills section is logically linked to the rest of the resume. If you have written that attention to detail is your middle name, then your resume should be proofread inside and out to avoid mistakes and typos. Likewise, tie skills to work experience or education.

Summing Up

The list of your skills on your resume is intended to show the prospective employer that you are a suitable candidate and can be of value in your new job.

The type of job you choose also affects the skills you add to your resume. Your skills along with a description of work experience will play a determining role in considering your candidacy.

After reading the article on how to write a skills section, you're probably ready to start creating your resume and perhaps don`t mind applying for a certified resume writer from, who is near at hand, affordable, legal, and free to hire. 

It will take a few minutes only to buy services, and your resume will be delivered promptly so you could send it to the required vacancy. Pay attention once and you will find someone, an associate to save your own time and assist in fighting for the desired place of work. This purchase will be a great contribution! Me and my resume is worth to be noticed!


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