Top 10 Facts About Pakistan 😍🔥

10. Highest Mountains in the world

Highest Mountains in the world
We start our list of top 10 facts about Pakistan from its mountain ranges. Pakistan has more than 100 peaks that are above 7000 meters. Out of the 14 highest mountains in the world, Pakistan has 5 of them.  There are the Himalayas, that is 29,029 feet and then there is the Karakoram at 28,251 feet and finally, the Hindu Kush range. All of which are located in Pakistan as well as other countries. Of course, the second-highest mountain in the world known as k2 is also in Pakistan, and it's a part of the Karakoram mountain range.

9. Largest Ambulance Network

Largest Ambulance Network
Pakistan has the world's largest ambulance network. Late Abdul Sattar Edhi was the founder of this network. This network is also listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Abdul Sattar Edhi dedicated his life to the poor from the age of 20 years old. Edhi Foundation was founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi that not only has ambulance services but also has a shelter for the destitute, free hospitals and medical care, drug rehabilitation services, orphanages and a lot of other services. He passed away in the year 2016 at the age of 88 but his legacy still lives on.

8. Pakistan is a Large Country

Pakistan is a Large Country
Some people in the west might think that Pakistan is a small country, but that definitely is not true at all. Pakistan has a total land area of 881,913Km2 (eight hundred eighty-one thousand nine hundred and thirteen square kilometres) that makes it the 33rd largest country in the world by area. The area of Pakistan is as large as combine area of the UK and France. Its borders are with China, India, Afghanistan, Iran and 650 miles long Coastline with the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. India is at east, Afghanistan is at the west, China at the northwest and Iran at southwest while the coastline is at the south side.

7. Karakoram Highway

Karakoram Highway
Number seven fact from our list is that 8th wonder of world "Karakoram Highway" is in Pakistan. It is the highest paved international road ever built in the world. First, it was considered to be impossible to make then Pakistan and China make this impossible possible. The highway connects provinces of Pakistan Punjab, KPK and Gilgit Baltistan with China and it is fifteen thousand three hundred ninety-seven feet high or 1,300 kilometres or 800 miles long. It's also extremely dangerous as well. Because there are a lot of sharp rocks and turns and everything, So drive on the highway at your own risk but it's still a beauty to look at. This highway crosses from the most beautiful parts in Pakistan e.g Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Hunza River etc.

6. Tharparkar Desert

Tharparkar Desert
Number  6 in our list is the Tharparkar desert that is in the Tharparkar district. It's also known as Thar. It's the only fertile desert in the world and it's also located in Pakistan. The area is a Hindu majority region with the largest Hindu population in Pakistan but sadly it has the lowest Human Development Index in all of Sindh province. Now some valleys and ridges shoot up about 46 meters and when it rains these valleys become moist enough for grass to start growing now.

5. Fourth Most Intelligent Country  

Fourth Most Intelligent Country
The fifth thing I want to share with you is in 2012 the IBA (Institute of Business Administration) gathered a poll from 125 countries. The survey quantifies various aspects like brilliance and intellectual thinking, and Pakistan came in fourth as the most intelligent country in the world. It was said that 
"Pakistanis are equal to the people of developed and industrialized countries when it comes to intelligence"
Yeah, In Pakistan not only a lot of babies are being born but also a lot of brilliant and intelligent people are being born in that land.

4. Second Largest Salt Mine

Second Largest Salt Mine
Number 4 from our list is Khwera Salt Mine of Pakitan. It is Pakistan's largest, and World's 2nd largest salt mine. This salt mine is famous due to its Pink Himalayan salt. It is an attractive point for tourists to visit. Over 250,000 tourists visit this salt mine per year, and by tourism, this salt mine earn a considerable amount of money every year. This mine produces 350,000 tons of salt per year and estimated reserves in this mine are from 82 million tons to 600 million tons. 

3. Sixth Nuclear Power of World

Sixth Nuclear Power of World
The third fact about Pakistan is that Pakistan is a Nuclear Power country. Pakistan is at number six spot with having 150-160 nuclear warheads. Pakistan is also the first Muslim country in the world that has Nuclear technology. The nuclear program was started by PM of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1972 after the war of 1971 with India. Pakistan tested its nuclear weapons in 1998, and 6 bombs were tested from 28 May to 30 May in Ras Koh Hills, Balochistan. Pakistan is also planning to make 32 more nuclear warheads by 2050.

2. World's Largest Irrigation System

World's Largest Irrigation System
At number 2, we have World's largest irrigation system that is in Pakistan. Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) is the largest irrigation system in the entire world. Pakistan's economy largely depends on its agriculture, and a decent amount of share in GDP comes from agriculture. Indus Basin Irrigation System has 3 large dams, eight-five small dams, nineteen barrages, twelve inter-river link canals, forty-five canal commands and 0.7 million tube wells. 

1. World's 5'th Most Populated Country

World's 5'th Most Populated Country
Number one fact in our list is that Pakistan is 5'th most populated country in the world. Pakistan has over 212 million people according to the Census of Pakistan 2017, and it is expanding rapidly at the growth rate of 2.40 (2016). 34.4% population is between the age of 0-14, 60.4% is between 15-60 and 4.2% are above 60. Punjab is the most populated province, and Balochistan is the least populated province of Pakistan.


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